On The Hare & The Egg

“Her Mother and the Moon” by Lisa O’Malley

The Spring Equinox is a time of returning (resurrected) light and often takes place close to the time of the Christian celebration of resurrection, Easter. Eggs and the Easter bunny feature prominently in our western world at this time and though there is plenty of rich debate and discourse regarding the origins of this tradition, one thing we know for sure from our animistic ancestors is the mystical nature of the Hare and the rich symbolism of eggs.

Representing intuition, transformation, and the hidden teachings, the hare is a sacred and mythical creature in Celtic folklore. Shapeshifting witches were thought to become the Hare and it is associated with magical secret women, with lunar goddesses and of course the moon. These sacred, mystical creatures are venerated at the Vernal Equinox and if you’re in luck you may see one at dusk or dawn, coming out from their hidden places to share in the budding grasses and warming light. This creature of immortality, of rebirth and fertility may have diluted into the easter bunny we know today, however we can intentionally turn our inner gaze towards the mystical wonders of the hare, especially during this season, and invite its eternal spirit to sit with us and perhaps even guide us, if it feels so called, and if we may be so honored by it.

Eggs are symbols of life everlasting, fertility, potential, and hope. Both are powerful representations of the Spring in all her glory heralding the return of life to the Earth.

Of all the stories I’ve read on the subject of the hare and of eggs at this time of the year, the story below from The Goddess and the Green Man is one of the dearest and I’ve copied and pasted it below for your reading pleasure. Please note that this was copied directly from their site and I have not altered this story in any way. They are based in Glastonbury, UK and sell various sabbat and festival items, please feel free to head over there if you’re looking for candles, jewelry, folklore and gifts!

A traditional story from the West Country…

Once upon a time the Animal Kingdom gathered together for a meeting in a flurry of great excitement. There was to be a Very Special Party and a Very Special Guest was coming to visit them. The Very Special Guest was none other than the Goddess herself, and every creature wanted to give her a Very Special Gift.

Now some of the animals were very rich and some were very poor but off they went to prepare their gifts, for only the very very best would do for the Goddess. Hare was very very excited, he dearly loved the Goddess and although he was very poor he had a big generous heart - he was going to give her the very finest gift he could find!

Hare rushed home to see what he could find to give to the Goddess - he looked everywhere, in the cupboards and under the bed but there was nothing, even the larder was empty, he had absolutely nothing to give Her. Except for one thing. On the shelf in the larder was a single egg. And that was it. It was the only thing he had left. Hare gently took the egg out of the larder and lovingly decorated it and took it to the party.

Hare was very worried, all the other animals gave their gifts of gold and silver and precious jewels and all Hare had was the egg. Eventually all the gifts had been given and Hare was the very very last. Hare very shyly presented the Goddess with the egg. She took it and looked at him and saw the true spirit of Hare. And there and then the Goddess appointed Hare as her Very Special Animal - because Hare had given away everything he had.......

May we find it within ourselves to be unyieldingly kind, courageous, generous, benevolent, and true.

Please join me on March 20, 2022.

h. xx

Heather L. Porter