On Contemplations of The Sacred and The Secret

Over these past years I have shared some of my poetry, musings and reflections here on my website. I have also shared more directly with subscribers around the turn of the wheel of the year, as my podcasts were released.

It has been a quiet walk for me in revealing myself to the world. The words I type so often are born from my dance with spirit, muse, sky and star and it has taken me some time to find the courage to share more of my work and contemplations.

In the spirit of courage and an offering of my work to the world, I’ll be sharing my words and sometimes my voice on Substack moving forward. I’ve discovered many wonderful writers, modern philosophers, storytellers, and thinkers on the platform and I feel called to share my work over there so this page, for now, will no longer be my only vessel for sharing.

There are books moving through me at this time as well as some deeper explorations deciding if they’d like to come into word or visual form, such as through film/documentary… Either way, all of the wonders that I feel and experience will now be shared elsewhere and I dearly encourage you to head over there and sign up for announcements.

You’re always welcome of course to return to my site - I’m sure it will continue to house projects, offerings, and ideas as they move around and through me.

With my deepest gratitude for you - dear reader, dear kin - thank you for joining me here and I hope to see you over on Substack.

Ever with warmth and care,

h. x

Heather L. Porter