On Ritual Bathing

Water. Blessed be the element.

In her embrace, return to the wetness of the womb.
Warm, safe,
Reborn with every bath,
released, refreshed, and realigned.
In grace with this holy element, all that ails can be
tended, softened, and oft
In the winter, they steam.
In the summer, they cool.
In the transitional seasons, they greet with kindness, stepping towards
the deep dark or, return to the waking

Some baths are filled with precious herbs and flowers,
healing salts and treasured oils,
anointing the delicate nakedness of human skin.
Offerings of the Earth lovingly made into a tub, or pool of rocks,
or a bucket, drenched outside, watching crushed petals tumble down
adorning bare feet.

Sometimes, a cauldron dreaming,
cooks and tumbles flesh with twigs and bark,
watched over by a wizen hag.
A sacred offering given to a potion,
to bring some good into this world or

Sometimes, floating in Brigid’s well,
her powerful hands hold devoted heads while hair
floats, calling initiates toward her path.
Ceridwen, Elen, and the Morrigan,
stand by her side. Each reflection shimmering,
each Goddess beautiful, fearful, ancient.

Sometimes, resting in a chalice of wine,
warmed by the sun, skin steeps a deep crimson.
Emerging silken, pigmented and transformed,
it crawls onto a thorny vine, joining
rose sisters
in service.

There are so many ways to bathe, not all with
Each month naked, below the light of the
full moon.
If the trees call near, in their presence, in their
When near warm coasts, in
Mother Ocean,
Floating in her salty sanctum, asking her to help with clear seeing.
To align with her power in truth.

Ritual bathing offers ritual gratitude;
For the sensuality of skin in this human life.
For the wonder of waves, ripples, and currents.
For the requirement of a soft mind to connect with the moonlight kissing skin.
For the fecund green breath of trees, as they sway and rush, and move.
For the madness and glory that is the Ocean.
For the Goddess and her smile, as she carries the ephemeral form.

In Grace.



Heather L. Porter