Animisma - All Things In-Spirited

Animisma - Season 1

Animisma - All Things In-Spirited is a dream come to life.

In 2017 I asked my guidance how could I best be of service to humanity? What was my offering going to be towards healing, awareness, connectedness, and community? What were my path and my purpose? In response, they showed me three things.

Firstly, I was to walk the path of integrity. They showed me that integrity was a healing balm offered to a world ravaged by generations of humans who had lost contact with their hearts and their wise and well ancestors. Cultures that had chosen a path of earthly destruction in service of fleeting riches, gluttony, and waste. As we took advantage of the wonders of our dear Earth and as we began to empty her oceans and fill her skies, we moved further and further from our integrity. Our honor. Our virtue. It is hard to be in your integrity. To hold yourself accountable, to take responsibility for your words and your healing when, well for me, your origin story is one of violence, loneliness, neglect, and pain. To show up for yourself and to take the deepest care possible of and for yourself. To speak the truth, as unwelcome as it sometimes can be. To choose the path of challenge, knowing that though you may be rejected your voice is the voice of the voiceless - that you speak for the waters and the trees, those that were once here and those that are yet to be born and that their health is your health. That you must walk every step gently, with kindness in your heart and that the heart way, is the beauty way, is the healing way.

They said integrity is what I was to offer first - hence The Path of Integrity.

Secondly, I was to offer my life to service. I was shown that my capacity to walk between the worlds, to hear the voices of the stones and the stars, to see with sight beyond sight, was an important and ancient calling. Barely understood, mostly forgotten, and often feared in our modern world, my ancient calling of service through spirit was to be my purpose. I am to be as a bridge they said, a “rainbow bridge to the heart-light” were their exact words. I have studied science and law. I have worked in business serving billion-dollar organizations. I have supported people of great-wealth and supported my community through the distribution of this wealth. I have spent a lifetime living, experiencing, problem-solving, translating, strategizing, wondering and wandering looking for my life’s purpose. Well, here it is, they said. You have arrived.

So secondly, here is my life and my heart, offered in service.

Thirdly, I was to use my voice, in service of integrity. I am a little bit of an odd bird as it is. I love humans, yet I find myself easily overwhelmed by large groups of them. I am my very best one-on-one. I love the safety of it. The spaciousness of it. The beauty in it. One-on-one I can open up and offer someone the depths of the oceans or the expanses of the cosmos. I can explore the beautiful realms of the heart with them, or gently tread along a single blade of grass, or contemplate the magnificence in a grain of sand. I get nervous in groups and in crowds I am positively overwhelmed. How, how was I to use my voice? “The time is now,” they said and by “now” they meant this time in human history. This digital age. This was by far, I felt, the most difficult thing that I was shown. It was nerve-racking and edgy, pushing me way beyond the borders of my comfort. I was to expose myself through my voice and in doing so, I was to complete my purpose - to offer integrity, to be of service, and to use my voice.

After many years of contemplating, waiting, journeying, exploring, and experiencing, Animisma was born. A name offered by my beloved guidance through the ethers, it was whispered to me quietly and kindly and captures in one word, the way I walk through the world, guided by my ancestors. After I had mentioned the name, it was quickly complemented by my cherished partner in this, Stephanie Halligan. It was Steph who said “All Things In-Spirited” and as she did, I could feel my guides nod in loving agreement. With her support, vision, and care, we had arrived.

So, welcome to Animisma - All Things In-Spirited! I’m thrilled and deeply honored you are here and I hope you join me for as long as you can. During this first season, we will explore the Celtic wheel of the year. You can learn more and listen to Animisma here.

With my deepest appreciation for the unfolding of the great mystery, thank you for joining me.

With love always,
h. x

Heather L. PorterANIMISMA, Yule